Mr. Rand Goes to Space Camp!

What is it? Honeywell announced that it has awarded scholarships to 200 teachers from 19 countries and 43 U.S. states to attend the Honeywell Educators at Space Academy program from June 16 to June 28, 2006 at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Friday, June 23, 2006

OK, so it is now the end of day 1 at space camp. I am so sorry but I can not yet figure out how to post pictures on the web site. I promise that I will work on it for tomorrow. I am so glad to hear from the summer school class. I am doing well. I hope that you are all treating Mrs. S with respect. I am sure I will be proud of you when I return.

Yesterday was a relaxing day. I flew from Minneapolis to Memphis. We left 45 minutes late due to congestion on the runway. I arrived at Memphis and with little layover time got on board a flight to Huntsville. Upon arriving in Huntsville I was the first off the plane. Walking off the plane I saw a man in a space outfit and I knew he was waiting for me. It turns out that he was waiting for actually 12 of us who were on the same flight together. I thought I may be the only one! I had no idea that 12 people on the same flight were going to Space Camp!

I arrived at the dorm to find that I was the first of the 4 in my suite. It was kind of like the show "The Real World" were everyone waits for their roommates to arrive. First, Martin arrived from The Czech Republic. Tom was second from Ohio, followed by Tim from Arizona.

We ventured to Walmart. It was a easy night. The adventures were sure to come for Thursday! Please stay tuned.....


  • At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why did you want to go to space camp?

  • At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Mr. Rand, Hope you are having a good time. Is space camp anything like it was in the movies? Any talking robots? See you at Catfish Days!
    Jen,Corey, & Aidan

  • At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey You watch the real world i love that show.. anyways hope ya have fun and dont get sick!!


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