Mr. Rand Goes to Space Camp!

What is it? Honeywell announced that it has awarded scholarships to 200 teachers from 19 countries and 43 U.S. states to attend the Honeywell Educators at Space Academy program from June 16 to June 28, 2006 at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Friday, June 23, 2006

So many comments! I love it, keep them coming. I would like to start today by commenting on some of your comments. I love the question, why did I want to come to Space Camp? Teaching 6th grade, in a suburban school district I love the opportunity to provide students with first hand experiences. Of course, I would like to bring the class to the camp but that would cost way to much! I am here with teachers from 43 states and 19 countries. We are having a great time learning, and sharing ideas of ways to incorporate space into our teaching! The Honeywell Corporation has truly given the teachers here a chance of a lifetime!

On the first day of camp we received our space suits! Yes, I now have a space suit. We started the day with an IMAX movie called "Roving Mars." This was a great explanation of the raise to get to Mars. Following the movie we were privileged to listen to Story Musgrave. Mr. Musgrave came to the U.S. from Germany during the time period the US was raising to the moon. Story has been in space 6 times and was the person responsible for fixing the Hubble Space Telescope. The pictures and the stories that he shared are truly amazing.

We learned the history of the NASA Space missions patches and our team designed our own space patch. The history and simplicity of the patches is something I never knew.

Having 200 teachers here, Honeywell ended the first day with a gathering for all Space participants.

Space Camp has for sure exceeded my expectations! There is a shuttle named the Pathfinder here that was used for fittings. This shuttle was the test shuttle placed on top of the 747 for transport between Florida and other states, and was also used in Florida to test numerous operations of the space shuttle when the Apollo aircraft was switched to the current day orbiter!

The stories continue and I will keep them coming! Tom Hanks was even at camp today to watch his sun graduate!


  • At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is soo cool that you have a space suit!!!!!! Do you get to keep it? Do you have trouble trying to understand people from other countries? Youre such a great science teacher after all you got the best new science teacher award!!

  • At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mr. Rand,

    Your summer school class has another question for you:
    Have you had a chance to use the control panel yet?

    Your 3rd graders

    We have been terrific for Mrs. S.

  • At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is tremendous. So exciting. We are very proud of you. What a unique opportunity for a great Science Teacher.
    Your biggest fan.

  • At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your the coolest teacher! thats awsome that u went to space camp hope to see u next year!

  • At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ii want to go to space camp, in alabama so badly, I am so glad we have this oppurtunity! That video that we watched was awsome! I cant wait to go!! If i can but i hope i can!!!


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