Mr. Rand Goes to Space Camp!

What is it? Honeywell announced that it has awarded scholarships to 200 teachers from 19 countries and 43 U.S. states to attend the Honeywell Educators at Space Academy program from June 16 to June 28, 2006 at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Monday, June 26, 2006

We had a mission about the Enterprise space shuttle replica today. We successfully landed our mission. I was aboard the International Space Station and I even got to perform a space walk about the shuttle. I have this on video so the class will surely see!

We created rockets with engines, make balloons out of tissue paper, and had dinner with Konrad Dannenburg. Konrad is 93 years old and was a pioneer during the Space Race. He shared his great stories with us, of which I can't wait to share!


  • At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It sounds like so much fun. Can you run out of space? And if you do how do know it? If truth is beauty why isn't beauty truth? I am totally impressed with your experience. I don't mean to diminish the gifts this camp will bring to your teaching and school am at times a bit tongue and cheek. I love the photos and think this is fantastic!!

    Take care and see you soon.

  • At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am lost in space myself. I don;'t know if you get these and the libraian at St. John's is even baffled. All the best once again.

  • At 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I miss you Mr. Rand.

    -Lisa K. (& Peanut too)

  • At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there. I was just talking to Lisa about you the other day. I thought you should know that I think you're one of the best people I've ever had a chance to know. I'm proud of everything you have become. Seriously, you're at Space Camp. How cool is that?

    Happy Birthday.

    Sara A

  • At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looked like a very fun time!!! Happy Bday!

  • At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Saw the StarTribune piece today. This whole deal sounded like so much fun. I didn't know about this blog before but found it really interesting to read and see what you learned. I hope the kids can share in your experiences next year. Keep up the great work.

    Paul Omodt (Nick's dad)

  • At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mr. Rand! Thanks for the great pictures and updates, it look like so much fun. I'm smiling just thinking about the fun you are having!
    Ms. Anderson (susie)

  • At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I enjoyed reading about the space camp, sounds like quite an adventure. Keep up the good work, Mr. Rand.

    Sue Palmatier
    Katelyn and Alex's mom


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